
Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Day That Did Not Stop

   It was 9 AM when I woke up this morning. Now, I know what you're thinking. "That's not that early!" and probably a little of "I was up way before that!". I'm not mad about the time I was awoken but, rather, the manner in which I was awoken.

   You see, for about 2 months now my husbands aunt has been telling us that she was going to bring over a bedroom set she had for Craig. We kept cleaning and organizing, and she kept being too busy to come over. Well apparently this morning she had plenty of time because my mother-in-law came in our room to tell me Chris' aunt was on her way over with the set. Of course, Craig's room was a disaster.

   So I went and woke him up, cleaned his room, disassembled all his existing furniture and then waited. All before I even had breakfast. 

   My day kind of kept on like that. A whirlwind of events. I got Craig's room all set up with his new furniture. Chris is still sick so he was sleeping. My father-in-law barbequed a ton of food. Then, my neighbors (who are huge wrestling fans) had a party to watch the event tonight and invited my kids over. The break was so nice! Craig came home pretty early as he likes to stay on schedule but, Trenton stayed until about 10 which is a total privilege since he never stays up (or out) that late.

   On one hand I love days like this because I am so productive but, on the other hand, it is so exhausting! The good news is I think Chris is feeling a big better now and I get to go back to volunteering tomorrow!!

Hope your weekend was more relaxing than mine!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Big Bummer and the Ideal Woman

   Since Chris was sick (as I mentioned in my previous post), I ended up not getting to go to the 5K today. It was quite disappointing as I really wanted to go but, I heard it was an amazing success!

   Even though hubby was sick, I wasn't about to let that ruin my day. I went with my sister in law to Verizon to talk to them about our phones, played with the kiddos, and even started a new bible study. I am following along with a previous bible study done on the Proverbs 31 woman over at Good Morning Girls . I love their format of breaking it down into short and sweet daily studies. I know I can follow this in the mornings before I get everyone up for school or even at night before bed.

   The Proverbs 31 woman is a tough act to follow! First off, she's the woman that Solomon's MOTHER is telling him he should find. If you are or have been married, you know the mothers of boys have high standards for who they think their baby should be with. It is something that I am willing to strive towards.

   Tomorrow is Sunday and if everyone is feeling better, we will be starting our day at church in the morning. Then, I am spending the day cleaning, organizing, and sorting through our house. Some call it Spring Cleaning. I call it MUCH NEEDED!

Hope you all are doing well!

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Land of the Sicklings

   As I write this it is 9:06 PM on Friday night and I am exhausted. It seems just when I feel like everyone is healthy and happy, BAM! Something comes and knocks us right down.

   First, Craig got a fever on Monday. Because he is a diabetic, fevers last substantially longer for them than they would for other kids his age. He was out of school from Monday- Thursday. Which meant no volunteering for me.

   I honestly love to volunteer. I get to help out and give others some peace and a hand when otherwise they would just be suffering through their project on their own. Tomorrow I get the opportunity to help out an organization that helps my community right back.

   Just a block or two up the road from me is a low income residential area. The organization that I am helping tomorrow is called Attack Poverty. They help out the area by doing a twice a week afterschool program and a one week summer program for the kids. For the adults, they provide GED and ESL classes. They also have a program called Jobs for Life in which they help out of work adults prepare for job placement by helping them with resumes, interviews, etc... It really is a terrific organization. Attack Poverty is teaming up with our local hospital to put on a 5K tomorrow.

   This 5K will raise funds to help the programs in our area. It is going to be a lot of fun...but, the volunteers have to be there at 5:30 AM. So, I will be up bright and early (with the aide of a lot of coffee) helping to set up and run the event.

   But, of course, as I said in the beginning of the post, when I think things are fine, they fall apart. As I finish typing this, Chris comes in a tells me he isn't feeling very well.

   Does it ever end??